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Friday, October 7, 2016

Same Trickster?

Headed for the high foothills under a heavy overcast
Becca and I were out exploring arroyos in hopes of seeing our buddy the Trickster when we discovered the empty can of Admiral Iced Tea in the middle of nowhere.  When I googled the product later because I'd never heard of it somebody on the internet claimed it was discontinued in 2012.  It's possible then that this particular can has been blowing around and washing down in the desert for four long years.  Later, as we headed back up Tortugas's western slope Becca spotted the Coyote pictured below.  He didn't seem too interested in us until I began whistling in a manner that roughly mimicked the wailing howl the critters sometimes make.  He stopped several times to look over at us, probably thinking, "There's that lunatic human jackass trying to imitate a coyote again."
Some blue sky out yonder, but little sun

Moseying along the trail

Sun's halfhearted attempt to break through

Having just dropped down to the lower desert

Still no sunshine for these flowers

Ocotillo sans leaves

Sun over the distant Organ Mountains

That small bush in the center I mistook for a Coyote

Trailing Four O'Clock

Trailing Four O'Clock

Chihuahuan Desert grassland

Descending a hill to explore an arroyo

Heavily populated by Creosote Bush

Tortugas and the Organs

Becca in a patch of Clinchweed


In the middle of nowhere this can must have washed down or blown in

Which arroyo branch to take?

Desert Marigolds are still in flower everywhere

Desert Marigolds

Fruit of the Devil's Claw

A hill with Tortugas Mountain barely visible behind

Notch in a distant mesa

Ocotillo flower and observatory

Cutleaf Globeberry with Dayflower behind

Look who we have here

A pretty healthy specimen

Caught him glancing over as he moved out

Stopping for a better look

Stopping even further away

Exercise in telephoto photography

He didn't move for quite a while

Headed back up the western slope

The trail to the Sunset Parking area

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I wonder if that's the same coyote you've seen before? It's nice that so many flowers are still in bloom. I love the carpet of yellow clinch weed.

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