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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Yes, We Have No Coyotes

Not on fire
Every time Becca and I have an encounter with a Coyote I'm eager to see one again the next day.  No such luck this morning, though; we didn't even hear any, which we often do.  As I wasn't much in the mood to do any bushwhacking we kept the hike down to a moderately-long trek.  When we got home I had to pitchfork three piles of dead Creosote Bush clippings into the top of our garbage dumpster and tamp them down with a flat-bladed shovel before the garbage truck came.  After I took a quick shower Dr. K and I headed over to the county government center to take advantage of early voting for the 2016 elections.  Glad to get that out of the way.
Early-morning sky over Tortugas

Near the big yuccas

Down the single-track

Desert Marigolds

Waiting for me to catch up

Pushing back to the mountain

Some Ocotillos still have greenery

Some Ocotillos don't

Tasajillo fruit

The hypodermic needles of Finger Cholla

A turn to the right, a turn left, and we're headed back up the mountain

Reaching skyward

Lots of yellow Clinchweed still in bloom

Ocotillos in the high foothills

Looking back down at the lower desert


Cute Desert Cottontail

Western flank of Tortugas Mountain

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I've been seeing a lot of those cute cottontails. They're a lot safer in the desert than racing across the roads in our neighborhood.

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