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Monday, October 17, 2016

Up, Up and Away

Centennial High School and the Doña Ana Mountains
52 degrees Fahrenheit when Becca and I started off on the trail west of Tortugas Mountain, but because there was no breeze it felt quite comfortable.  As soon as we were into the sunlight just a quarter of the way down the single-track into the lower desert I took off my light jacket to hike in short-sleeve shirt and shorts.  Lots of interesting things in the sky of which to take note:  the moon, a balloon and a passenger jet arcing across the dome of the blue sky.
The rolling desert from the high foothills trail

Lightsaber or jet and contrail?

The single-track out of the mountain

Moon on out-of-focus Ocotillo wand

Into the lower desert

What's up on the mountain

Forked again

"Wouldn't you like to ride . . ."

Headed over the mountain

Descending on the east side of Tortugas

Power to the mountain

Wispy weeds

Those Ocotillos almost look as if winter's here

Blanket of yellow flowers on the west side of Tortugas


Dr. K said...

What a good eye you have, Packrat. Those wispy weeds look like delicate lace.

packrat said...

Good eye, indeed, Dr. K. Found you, didn't I? :)

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...