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Monday, November 14, 2016

Back in the Saddle

Mark of Zorro or a switchback up the mountain?
This morning I was finally able to get Becca out into the desert after her ten-day hiatus from hiking due to a sprained leg.  I shortened the trek significantly to make sure she didn't overdo the exercise.  I can't tell you how much she enjoyed getting out there; perhaps if I mention that she stopped to smell every other bush you'll get a sense of her satisfaction.  But wait--there was icing on the cake.  As we were getting ready to leave, our good buddy Jimmy pulled in behind us in his truck.  I opened the rear passenger window so he and Becca could say hello.  Good thing she was in the car already, or she'd have been whirling like a dervish in ecstasy at seeing her pal.
Ocotillos and underbrush

Becca's happy to be on the trail again

Narrow arroyo west of Tortugas

Nothing she likes better than exploring arroyos (yeah, OK, food)

Eager to blaze the way ahead

Somebody has ridden a horse through here

Where the arroyo divides into separate branches

Widening out here

The big depressions are from a horse's hooves (it behooves you to know)

An odd grouping of crazy flora

Barrel Cactus west of the mountain

Organic development or balancing act?

One of my favorite desert critters:  a Roadrunner

Campanula carpatica

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I'm not surprised that you took so many photos of Becca today. I know she was thrilled to be out on the trail again.

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