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Monday, November 28, 2016

Here Comes the Snow

Last night's sunset
We're under a high wind warning all day today, but we lucked out (relatively speaking) this morning in that it was only moderately bad.  Still the temperature was below freezing when Dr. K, Becca and I hit the Grand View Trail.  Good thing we were properly equipped with the right clothing.  All things considered we had a good trek today.  On the way back we stopped at the High Rolls General Store for bottled water and pretzels.  That's what we're living on these days.
Snowfall over Haynes Canyon

On our back 40 (yards, that is)

Another look at the weather in the canyon

Storm in the higher elevations

Out on the Grand View Trail

Cold, crisp and windy this morning

Decidedly winterlike to the north

Dr. K is appropriately dressed for the wintry conditions

Slightly ominous over the mountains

What's up there?

The quick way down if you're carrying a zip line harness

Looks like a flycatcher

Get me out of this quicksand :)

Becca and Dr. K

Fall colors on Three-leaf Sumac

The view to White Sands

At the halfway house

Hedgehog Cactus growing out of a cliff face

Headed back now

An area strewn with boulders

Bird in a tree


Guess I'm obsessed with the view of Haynes Canyon today

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

A cold, crisp morning in the high country. Good way to start the week.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...