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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Trek Before Trip

Becca and I did a short hike this morning, returning home to finish packing before heading for the high country (High Rolls, NM) where we are now.  It's quite a bit cooler up here, though weather changes were happening while we were still down in the low desert.  There's a chance of rain for the next few days here in southern New Mexico.  When we got to our place in the Sacramento Mountains we were greeted by our dog neighbors--Champ, Cowboy and Gage--all of whom were eager to play with Becca.  Becca seemed a little standoffish at first, heading into the woods with her buddies trailing behind.  But they eventually all assembled in our driveway for some fun romping and human petting.
The flank of Tortugas (left) and the Organs

Checking out the territory

Change in the weather

It may look it, but there was little chance of rain

Squiggly sky

Featuring yuccas today

Sun powering through

Just after sunup, Chihuahuan Desert

Even more yuccas

The long view across the desert

Many miles from here to there


Contrail photobomb

I took this shot yesterday, too, but today's is more dynamic

Shades of gray

Speckled rock egg

Demise of the Marigold

Haynes Canyon area, Sacramento Mountains

Going to seed

Becca and Dr. K on our driveway

A little local color

Looks Mockingbirdish, but I think it's something else

Headed down our road

Touch of autumn on Three-leaf Sumac

Dr. K petting the adorable Gage

Gage and Becca headed opposite ways

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice to be up in the High Country, for a change of scenery. I really like the photo "The Demise of the Marigold."

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