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Friday, November 25, 2016

Just Above Freezing

According to our local meteorologist it was 33F when Becca and I headed for Tortugas Mountain this morning.  Because of a persistent light wind it felt much colder.  I was dressed appropriately:  long-sleeve shirt, sturdy windbreaker, and gloves; I wore the gloves for two-thirds of the hike.  By the time we ran into our buddy Gregg, and then our pals J.C. and Olivia, the Beckster and I had warmed up nicely--just as our trek was coming to an end.
Take the trail beyond the two-headed yucca

Early-morning sky

Down the single-track di nuovo

Scouting territory

Late November and Desert Marigolds are still in flower

Leading the pack from afar

Along the Crosscut Trail

Tortugas Mountain

Close to where the Crosscut intersects with the road back to Tortugas

Blemished by the sun

Tripartite Soaptree Yucca

Road to nowhere

A few miles west of the mountain

Clouds rippled by buggy whips

Talk about desert conditions

Prickly Pear pads

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the color of the sky in these photos--bright blue? Turquoise?

Nest Building

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