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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Sticking to Flat Land

Soaptree Yuccas in the northern Chihuahuan Desert
I made a point of hiking on flat land with Becca this morning, not wanting to stress her formerly-strained right leg by doing any serious climbing.  When we were out west of the mountain I happened to catch a glimpse of a fast-moving Coyote in the distance.  As I stood and watched I noticed there were five or six running together--and I do mean "running."  Apparently something had spooked them, and they were heading west at a good clip.  As always they stopped to look back, and I was able to capture a few distant images.
High foothills of Tortugas Mountain

Exploring an arroyo west of the mountain

Old Prickly Pear pad with a hole in its center

Cutting across the Crosscut Trail

Another cluster of Soaptrees and Becca in the background

Crowded arroyo

Find the Coyote

A different Trickster

Yet another Coyote

Tortugas (left) and the Organ Mountains

A particularly grassy section of the desert

The family unit

Gnarly old Ocotillo

Headed back into the upper foothills

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Some of the arroyos have gotten dense with plants because of all of the rain. I like them that way.

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