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Monday, November 21, 2016

Promised Rain

Heading south alongside Tortugas Mountain
The chance of rain today is 30%, and for much of our morning hike it looked as if the sky might open up and deliver on the promise.  Becca and I didn't feel even one drop, though, on our fairly-long trek.  But as were were driving home it began to sprinkle lightly, and now, just after 11:30, we've had slightly heavier intermittent showers.  Our normally sunny northern Chihuahuan Desert has been a tad gloomy so far this day.
Most likely virga--rain that evaporates before reaching the ground

Precipitation dissipating

Sandy section of the desert

Becca of Arabia

Devil's Claw

Alternating light and dark

Chihuahuan Desert sand

The road west

The sun trying to get out

Tortugas and the Organs

Playing a bass

Soaptree Yucca

Bishops Cap

Loggerhead Shrike on a telephone line

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the way the sunlight streams through the virga in the photos of the sky and mountains.

Dr. K was Cold

It was cooler this morning with a gusty wind; due to the weather conditions we hiked more quickly along our regular route. When we got back ...