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Saturday, November 5, 2016

What the Hail?

Single-track from the high foothills is deeply rutted from last night's stotrm
We had severe weather last night:  a downpour accompanied by heavy hail that sounded, at times, as if dump-truck-loads of rocks were being dropped onto our roof.  It lasted on-and-off for about a half hour, the rain pounding down hard enough to leak a bit into our patio enclosure as well as a drip or two through the spare bathroom skylight.  When I took my daily hike this morning (sadly, again, without Becca, whose limp seems to have improved significantly) it looked as if it could rain at any minute; and, indeed, it was sprinkling slightly when I got out to the national monument, where I decided to drive to see if there were any photo opportunities.  I was not disappointed.
Whoever walked through there was sorry for having done it

Road to Tortugas and the cloudy mountains

Bishop Cap

More severe weather is possible this evening

Water ran down that way

Muddy arroyo from last night's downpour

Staying cloudy all day

Rain-soaked Chihuahuan Desert

Leafless Ocotillos

Runner making his way to the saddle

Ancient food tin filled with water


Patch of green

Testament to how hard it rained

Took a ride to the national monument after my hike

Cloud-shrouded Organ Mountains

Road to Dripping Springs

Rugged Organs

La Cueva Rocks

La Cueva Rocks

Hermit's Cave is at the base of the huge outcrop at left

Yet another view of the rocks

More clouds rolling in

By now it was sprinkling out there

Left side of La Cueva Rocks with the Organ Mountains behind

Fascinating to watch those clouds skip through the pass

Great hiking weather if you don't mind getting wet

Clouds lifting over the saddle

Ms. Becca in our backyard

Her limp has improved noticeably

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Gorgeous photos of Dripping Springs. It's always interesting to see how a downpour will change the desert floor.

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Willow with Dr. K's feet Nothing special about the hike today except it felt slightly cold out there this morning.  Wind added to the ch...