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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Deep Cleaning

A look up the arroyo beside our house at Tortugas and the Organ Mountains
Neither Becca nor I did a trek this morning; she's still resting her leg and I had to go to the dental hygienist for a "deep cleaning," a procedure I hadn't had done since 2002.  The hygienist gave me several shots of Novocaine before using a Roto-Rooter tool on me--at least that's the way my teeth and gums feel right now.  I'll get back on the trail tomorrow morning, and I'll make a determination about whether or not Becca can accompany me.
A neighbor a block away has an observatory


Becca inside the patio enclosure

Jigsaw with a missing piece Dr. K just finished

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's nice that our lavender plant is still blooming--it's turned out to be very hardy.

Rim Trail Trek

Just starting off on Rim Trail 105 this morning We decided to drive to Sunspot and hike the Rim Trail which starts near the Apache Point tur...