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Monday, October 30, 2017

Heading Down

First view from the Grand View
Dr. K, Becca and I packed up before heading over to the Grand View Trail for our traditional "leaving the high country" hike; as it happens we did part of the upper Bridal Veil Falls Trail, too.  It was a beautiful morning, and we hated to leave the Sacramento Mountains behind, but duty calls.  High today in the low desert:  80F.  High in High Rolls:  57F.  Not bad in either locale, I guess.
Surprise photo

Through the cut

Could be regurgitated pellets from some bird of prey

Midpoint ramada

White Sands from the Grand View

Closer look at the midway ramada

Fall color in Three-leaf Sumac

Manzanita leaves (Arctostaphylos species)

Down the Grand View Trail

Footbridge over the creek

The old railroad trestle

Two happy hikers:  Dr. K and Becca

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the photo of the fall colors in the 3-leaf sumac. What a beautiful High Rolls trail that is!

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