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Monday, September 30, 2019

A Near Side Trek

This and the next 4:  the same Loggerhead Shrike
I took a long early morning hike west of Tortugas Mountain today and didn't encounter anyone until the final leg of my trek.  Although it felt pretty cool in the desert, the humidity was noticeably high; a nice constant breeze kept conditions quite pleasant.

When I had nearly finished my explorations I bumped into my friend Jimmy who was just rounding the bend near the Night Blooming Cereus west of the ramada.  He and I stood talking under the desert sun for at least thirty minutes, perhaps a bit more.  I always enjoy our conversations because Jimmy is an intelligent, well-read, sensitive and mellow individual who keeps abreast of current events.  Because of those qualities our talks range over a myriad of topics, and I always feel satisfied when we call it a wrap even though we've arrived at no significant conclusions about anything of substance. :)

When I got home I had to call Bogart's Car Repair to see about getting the Jeep Commander in to have the wires gnawed by neighborhood packrats replaced.

View to the southwest

This and the next:  Barrel Cactus with fruit

Approaching the "New Trail"

This and the next 2:  the "New Trail"

Single-track west

In an arroyo west of Tortugas Mountain

Tortugas Mountain

Fall has come for the Ocotillos

Same Barrel Cactus as above, but in sunlight

West of the mountain

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos of the Loggerhead Shrike. I love its coloring.

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