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Monday, September 2, 2019

Labor Day Mob

Asterisk yucca
It was already crowded when Dr. K and I got out to the Sunset Area west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, but it was super crowded by the time we got back to Whitey the CR-V.  During the interim we ran into quite a few outdoor enthusiasts, some hiking and biking with dogs.  In fact, we were just approaching the eastern terminus of the New Trail, talking about Heelers, when a guy and a woman rounded the bend just ahead of us.  The guy said, "Good morning" exactly at the same time we noticed a Heeler trailing close behind the woman's mountain bike.  I said, "We were just talking about Heelers" as the woman passed.  She said, "He's great--no matter if it's a bike or a kayak."  The "kayak" bit gave both Dr. K and me pause for thought.

It's a good thing we got an early start and were able to do a good portion of the trek in Tortugas's shadow because the day heated up rather quickly while we were out there.  We're slated to reach a high of 95F.  The other good part about finishing the hike early was that we missed the brunt of the Labor Day crowd.  As we returned to the trailhead people were streaming up the mountain yelling at one another and laughing loudly.  We were glad to get out of there when we did.
This and the next:  mountain biking in the northern Chihuahuan Desert

Trail that drops into a major western arroyo


Major arroyo west of Tortugas Mountain

This Variegated Fritillary has seen better days

Bouquet of Blackfoot Daisies

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That's an interesting-looking dried-up yucca in your first photo, Packrat.

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