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Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Sparse Crowd

Ike and Mike
I took a very long hike west of Tortugas Mountain early this morning, and though I spotted a few distant hikers far to the west I encountered no one nearby.  In the outback I saw many birds--from Curve-billed Thrashers, Pyrruholixas to Black-throated Sparrows--and quite a few Black-tailed Jackrabbits and Desert Cottontails, but no larger mammals.

Far to the northwest of the mountains I bushwhacked through an area that Becca and I liked to explore, and I couldn't help remembering the routes she would follow when I zigged one way and she'd zag another.  Time heals all wounds they say, but it doesn't blunt memory quickly enough.

I put a lot of miles on my Keen boots today, and got home fairly early despite the mileage.  Once here I called a pest control company to see if I can get somebody out to the mountains next week to determine what kind of rodent problem we have in the crawl space under the cabin.
This and the next:  northeast slope of Tortugas Mountain

Looking west

Back over the mountain

This and the next:  Curve-billed Thrasher

West side of the mountain

Show yourself

I caught a glimpse of him flying over there

Now on an Ocottillo branch:  Pyrrhuloxia (Desert Cardinal)

Sun trying to break through clouds

This trail leads to the mountain road

Speaking of roads

Dried Ocotillo flowers

Flank of Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

More of Tortugas

Exploring an arroyo far west of the mountain

This is the arroyo I'm exploring

I've been through there before

Black-tailed Jackrabbit (aka American Desert Hare)

On a hill northwest of the mountains

Further away from the mountains

The Soaptree Yucca body keeled over, but new growth started at the left foot

After fall rains Chinchweed appears to perfume the desert with lemony scent

Yucca peacock

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

After a good rain I always like to smell the aroma of the chinchweed. (That plant deserves a nicer name.)

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