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Monday, September 16, 2019

No Rain, But High Humidity

Stalking the wild Desert Cottontail
The weather forecast showed no rain predicted for this morning, and conditions out there suggested that none would come early; but the atmospheric moisture content was sky high, such that, even at a cool 64F, the 91% humidity insured a slightly uncomfortable trek.

Ran into my buddy Raymond about a mile into the hike.  He was coming down the road from the mountaintop, and we stopped to chat for about twenty minutes before heading our separate ways.

I did a long trek past many familiar places, always cognizant of the emptiness I feel due to the absence of my faithful and constant companion Becca.

I took lots of photos today, but was able to reject many as inferior--not that my blog is ever filled with only the highest quality images.
Fishhook Barrel Cactus and Blue Barrel Cactus (aka "Devil's Head")

Trail along the western flank of Tortugas Mountain


This and the next 2:  Cutleaf Globe Berry (Ibervillea tenuisecta)

Sometimes called "deer apples"

Unripe berries

This and the next 2:  pale moon


This is your lucky day

Dried flowers on an Ocotillo

Closer look

Ocotillos and the Organs

This and the next:  Tortugas and the Organs

West of Tortugas

Say's Phoebe


This and the next 2:  Tortugas and the Organs

Barrel Cactus with Dayflowers

Spectaclepod (white) and Twinleaf Senna)

This and the next:  fruit on a Finger Cholla

Whitethorn Acacia
Prickly Pear and Dayflowers

Heading back to Tortugas Mountain


Caroline said...

I always love your photos! But I'm sorry it's still so difficult without Becca. She was great!

packrat said...

Thanks Caroline. She was a great friend. :)

Dr. K said...

Those unripe "deer apples" look like miniature watermelons (at least to me). Beautiful photos, Packrat.

Caroline said...

That's exactly what I thought!

Our Little Mountain

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