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Monday, September 23, 2019

High From the Low Country

I did a moderately long hike this morning, returned home and finished packing for a trip to the high country with Dr. K.  We got off at about 10:50 and reached the cabin 90 minutes later.  It's beautiful up here, but we're sad to be in the mountains without Becca.  We did see her buddies Champ and Cowboy not long after our arrival, and we went out to pet them.  As usual, Cowboy took off almost immediately, but Champ hung around for ear scratches and belly rubs.

We haven't done much yet other than unpack, eat lunch and walk around the property a bit.  Tomorrow we'll do a morning hike on a yet-to-be-determined trail and try to enjoy being in the high country as much as possible.

High elevation cactus garden

Across a deep arroyo

Looking into a deep arroyo

West of Tortugas

This and the next:  Curve-billed Thrasers

This and the next 3:  yellow flowers around the cabin

Haynes Canyon

This and the next:  Hairy Five Eyes

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

"Hairy Five Eyes" is such an interesting name for a flower. It's good to be in the high country for a few days.

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