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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Willow Bumppo

Old Crooked Stalk
During our search for a trail leading to a hill I've been wanting to climb for quite a while Ms. Willow showed her path-finding skills by leading both Frio and me back to the left branch arroyo we ventured out from when we couldn't find an appropriate route.

Although Mr. Frio exhibits the same abilities vis-a-vis trail finding, Ms. Willow has been impressive of late in demonstrating command as a group leader; several times when I gave both Heelers the opportunity to walk off-lead it was Willow who kept Frio from running off, thwarting his need to explore.

For her efforts today Willow gets an A+ AND a gold star.

Hill west of the Organs

Hill southwest of Tortugas Mountain

This & next:  deadwood



This & next 2:  Willow and Frio

Tortugas Mountain Observatory


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the photo you call Old Crooked Stalk.

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