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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

A New Way Down

This & next 2:  from our parking spot in the upper flatland
I had planned eventually to try a new route down to the arroyo we've been ascending over the past few days; I just didn't know that the attempt would be this morning.  But when Willow, Frio and I went to have a look at a possible descent into the arroyo we decided to have a go at it.

Although very steep and filled with talus in spots we managed to get down to the arroyo with little trouble.  From the head of the arroyo we were able to link up with the section we've explored before, having to bushwhack around obstacles only a few times.

The going was easy then, and we followed the semi-wide arroyo north all the way down to the Tellbrook, which we took to the intersection with LDR; and then it was the usual slog up the steep incline to the upper flatland.

This & next:  heading east along the upper flatland road

This & next 2:  bushwhacking down a steep hill to an arroyo

View from the arroyo

Tortugas and the Organs

Soaptree Yuccas

Frio and Willow heading north in the new arroyo

View of the mountains from the arroyo

Soaptree and the Organs

Early morning light in the northern Chihuahuan Desert

Torrey Yucca

Still green near the Tellbrook Arroyo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the photo of Frio and Willow heading north in the new arroyo. I'm glad you were able to explore this new area.

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