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Sunday, November 28, 2021

A First Arroyo Refresher

Soaptree Yucca stalks
Decided to change up our routine this morning by hiking up to First Arroyo, a trek we haven't done in months.  In the doing I was reminded of why we've chosen not to take that route:  the condition of the road--although today it was firmer from recent rains--and the chance that hikers might be approaching from the south, which they were today.

In order to avoid the two outdoor enthusiasts Willow, Frio and I had to bushwhack eastward through a series of adjoining arroyos that led us back to the Tellbrook Arroyo.  We then followed the arroyo that parallels LDR-A back into the upper flatland.

Aside from the Heelers nearly ripping my arms out of their shoulder sockets when twice they tried to pursue a fleeing jackrabbit it wasn't a bad outing.  The temperature was surprisingly comfortable even though it was 39F at start; 57F when we finished up.

Tortugas and the Organ Mountains


Entering First Arroyo

This & next:  Willow and Frio relaxing in First Arroyo

Heading out of First Arroyo

Last 2: mesquite leaves w/ Soaptree Yucca leaves as backdrop


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like both of those photos of Willow and Frio relaxing in the arroyo. Relaxing is something they're both very good at.

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