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Friday, November 26, 2021

After While Crocodile

First 3:  Scrub Oak
Even though it was cold this morning the weather was pleasant, and Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I explored the deer/elk trail on our property and the surrounding forest.  We saw quite a few birds--even a Northern Flicker--but I wasn't able to get a photo of any of them.

After our trek we returned to the cabin, packed our belongings and left for the lower desert, where we are now.  We enjoyed our trip to the high country, and we want to return as soon as we can.

Heelers and Dr. K

The bird that wasn't there

Old stump

Frio and Willow

Small boulders

Sacramento Mountains

This & next: following a deer/elk trail

Last 2:  dead tree in B&W and color


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Gorgeous photos of the Scrub Oak. Nice to have that touch of color in the landscape.

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