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Saturday, November 6, 2021

A Saturday Outing

This & next:  Regal Geraniums
The three intrepid hikers (Willow, Frio and me) headed down LDR-A to the Tellbrook Arroyo, turned right, and then right again up the arroyo we've been exploring of late.  We trekked all the way up to its head and then climbed the steep hill to the west until we reached the upper flatland road.  From there it was a quick jaunt to our waiting CR-V.

We took a lot of short breaks for photo-ops this morning primarily because the abundant clouds made for dynamic skies.  Even though the temperature was 44F at the start I felt comfortable in a long-sleeve shirt, hiking trousers and a lightweight vest.  We're headed for a high of 80F today, pretty unbelievable for early November.

Just getting started down LDR-A

Further down LDR-A

Sky to the north

Gone to seed

Organs in the distance

Organs closer up

Yuccas on a ridge

This & next 2:  Frio and Willow

This & next:  long view

Tortugas Mountain in the distance

Crazy cloud


Ocotillos on a ridge

Deadwood in B&W

Deadwood in color

This & next 3:  lots of beautiful clouds this morning



1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos, Packrat. My favorite is the one you labeled Further Down LDR-A.


Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo It felt like spring out there this morning when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily trek. Prickly an...