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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Endeavour's Last Flight

Leader of the pack as usual
Because of a doctor's appointment I had in the morning, Becca and I got off to a late start.  Good thing we did.  We got to see the Space Shuttle Endeavour flying over our area at about 1,500 feet.  It had left El Paso enroute to its retirement in L.A., making a pass over White Sands Missile Range (home of the space program) before banking west over Las Cruces.  I was surprised by the emotions I felt upon seeing the shuttle:  pride followed closely by sadness.  Endeavour will be on display at the California Science Center in Los Angeles.
Turkey Vulture

Space Shuttle Endeavour over Centennial High School

Last piggyback ride

Headed for Los Angeles

Endeavour over Pichacho


Caroline said...

Great photo! I saw the Challenger when it flew over DC a few months ago, I was also surprised by how excited I was! Everyone talked about it for about 2 days, and whether they'd been lucky enough ro see it.

Dr. K said...

Great photo of Endeavor, Packrat. I also feel kind of sad and proud at the same time.

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