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Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Just before sundown I saw a huge shadow on the window blind that faces west.  Jumping up and looking out one of the windows that faces the arroyo I saw what I thought was a Sandhill Crane sitting at the top of our neighbor's tree.  The more I look at this silhouette image, though, the more it looks like a heron to me.  If it is a Blue Heron it probably came from Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park.


Dr. K said...

So unusual to see that bird in the low desert.

Scott said...

Packrat: That's definitely a Great Blue Heron. Must have broken its tether at the Rio Grande! What a neat observation (especially the shadow falling across the blind)!

packrat said...

Thanks for the input, Scott. After I took photos I telephoned my neighbor to tell her of the huge bird in her tree. I think, though, that it had gone by the time she went out to look.


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