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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall in the High Country

Spider web outside our window
Beginning in the early afternoon here in High Rolls and continuing all day and long into the night a steady, light rain fell.  When it was over, our rain gauge read .35 inches.  They got even more in the higher country, and our trek on the Rim Trail was very muddy.  Nevertheless, we all (Dr. K, Becca and Packrat) enjoyed our hike very much.  And we didn't run into one other hiker the entire way.  There were campers at the Karr Canyon campground across the road from the trailhead.  We weren't near them long enough, though, to be bothered by the generators in their campers.
Tansy Asters

Becca leading the way on the Rim Trail, section 3

Looking down at the Tularosa Basin

Aspen and color


Levels of elevation

Indian Paintbrush still blooming in the Sacramento Mountains

Tansy Aster being bugged

Aspen leaves on a muddy trail

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful flowers and views.

Nest Building

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