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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pre-Errand-Day Hike

Becca inspecting a Creosote Bush

An abbreviated hike this morning before I had to head to Target and Albertsons.  Our local Target has undergone an extensive remodeling to add a complete grocery-shopping section.  I find that I can do almost all of our grocery shopping there now--at a much lower cost.  I just have to pop into Albertsons to pick up an odd item or two.  I don't mind shopping at all, as long as I can get in and out fairly quickly.  Anything over an hour begins to tax my patience--as do the people who park their carts sideways in the aisles.
Becca scanning the territory


Anonymous said...

Ok..there's a link from the google+ stream on submitted mountain pics. People have been posting on my pics now - finally! It's pretty exciting -you just throw your pics out there to the world, and see what people say... If you decide to do it, make sure you check out the settings. There is a way you can prevent people from copying your photos.

The site is fun, but quite addictive. Also, I had some guy startle me by instant chatting with me - I wasn't careful looking at those settings before starting..whoops.

Anyway,I will stop harping about it and sending such verbose messages-sorry:) Take care, Ruby p.s. It's the sideway carts in life's way that make the journey more interesting:)

Scott said...

Packrat: I do all the shopping for Kali and me. I don't mind it much, either. I usually go in the evening when the store's nearly empty of shoppers and the cashiers are bored because there are no customers. What I dislike more than sideways shopping carts (I can--and do--just shove those out of the way) are the stupid displays that the store sets up in the aisles. It's not like the aisles are super-wide anyway, and then they stack glass jars of olives in the aisle. That REALLY bugs me. (vent, vent)

packrat said...

Thanks for all the info, Ruby.

packrat said...

Yeah, Scott, and about those narrow aisles--seems as if they're making them even narrower nowadays.

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...