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Monday, October 22, 2012

Once and Future Snake

Snake skin
When we started off this morning Becca went off trail to check something out.  At first it looked like chaff from a Yucca or a ribbon of clear plastic.  But when I saw her shy away from it I had to investigate.  It was skin a snake had shed.  Interesting, though, because I'd never seen snake skin that had been shed partially down a hole.  We saw Mr. Tacoma (drives a Toyota truck) hiking down the mountain, and later we watched him driving his vehicle across the desert.  (My camera is starting to sound like an old, rusty machine.)
Closeup of skin in hole

Snake skin avoider

Familiar scene

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Interesting to see that snake skin partially in the snake hole. I've never seen that before, either.

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