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Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Few Cholla Flowers

Years ago when Dr. K and I were walking in the neighborhood we saw a man working in his yard and asked if we could take a small section of a beautiful Cholla plant growing there.  He said the plant wasn't on his property, but to feel free to take a piece.  We did.  I planted it on our property, and it has flourished ever since.  Each spring it blossoms with the most beautiful flowers, and I've decided to post a few images of them here.


Dr. K said...

Such delicate flowers!

Scott said...

You're right; they're beautiful. If I didn't know better, I'd think they came from a rosebush.

packrat said...

They do bear a likeness to roses, Scott.

Gimme Shelter

Soaptree Yucca 30F when Dr. K, Willow and I set off this morning; the wind made it feel like 24F.  We hoped that when we got onto the east/w...