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Friday, June 21, 2013

It's Called a Respite When . . .

Slalom ahead
--the only cloud in the sky drifts over the sun, obscuring it for a few minutes.

--a sudden wind picks up and allows for maximum evaporative cooling.

--doves stop their incessant cooing long enough for you to hear other desert sounds.

--the warning call of a male quail protecting his family fades into silence.

--you find a giant Yucca shadow in which to relax.
Back into the sunshine

Tortugas Mountain (left) and the Organ Mountains beyond

Coming up on a much-needed shade break


Midsection of the Organs

Two riders in the Chihuahuan Desert

In the shade of a giant Yucca

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Only a desert dweller could appreciate these respites from the sun and heat.

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