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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Starting in the East

Becca spots a dirt biker in the distance
Starting from the Monte Vista side of the mountain, Dr. K, Becca and I hiked about two-thirds around and back.  We saw a dirt biker briefly in the outback, then ran into our friend, Jimmy, on the return trip.  We stood talking for about five or ten minutes.  Becca is always happy to see her buddy, Jimmy.  There were only a few other cars in the parking area when we got back, but a guy driving an older 4Runner with three wild dogs inside was just pulling in.  Since we always park a good distance from the lot we didn't have to interact with the newcomers.

The trail hugging the mountain

Dr. K can't decide which path to take

On a hot day any shade will do

Dust partially obscures the Organ Mountains

It's wise to take many shade breaks on a hot day in the desert

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's surprising how much shade a yucca can make.

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