Becca spots something I only see minutes later |
The dewpoint was 55 F when we set off this morning, and the only thing that kept me from sweating profusely was a constant wind that helped to promote evaporative cooling. We never got any of the predicted rain yesterday, and I'll bet we won't get any today. What we'll probably get is high wind and blowing dust. These are trying times in the desert Southwest.
It was these two hikers we passed while heading opposite directions |
Becca at work west of Tortugas Mountain |
The desert looks barren but beautiful.
The remnants of Tropical Storm Andrea gave us a real soaking on Friday afternoon/evening, Packrat. We were about 3" short of normal rainfall for the year, and I'll bet that Friday's deluge erased that shortfall--though, of course, most of it ran off into our chocolate-milk creek that came roaring out of its banks. We lost electricity for (only) two hours as well. Here's hoping you get some rain, anyway.
We could really benefit from some of that rain, but a three-inch deluge would undoubtedly cause major problems. The best rain for a parched desert is a slow, steady storm that hangs over the area for a few days.
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