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Monday, July 8, 2013

Hiking in the Rain

The last day of our mountain sojourn found us hiking on the Grandview Trail near High Rolls, New Mexico.  We did half the hike in a light rain.  About the midway point--near the New Mexico Rails-to-Trails ramada--the rain let up, then stopped.  The first part of the hike was chilly from the rain-cooled air, but when the storm passed the weather got downright steamy.  We had to remove windbreakers for the hike back.  Fortunately, a steady breeze kept us from being too uncomfortable.
Rain in the Tularosa Basin

Silhouette of a Rufous-Sided Towhee

Rain-laden clouds

Becca enjoying herself

Midway point of the hike

White Sands National Monument in the distance

Slightly damp yet happy hikers

Creeping Barberry (Mahonia repens)

Hedgehog Cactus growing out of rock

The area around High Rolls/Mountain Park, New Mexico

Rain in the valley

Flower of the Apache Plume

Isolated mountain cabin (High Rolls)

Rufous-sided Towhee

Yucca/Juniper zone

Waiting for a drink

The way back


Dr. K said...

Too bad we had to say farewell to High Rolls--for the time being.

Scott said...

Rain's great; it's just a shame that it didn't come a day later.

Kali's ankle is better each day and shouldn't interfere with any plans henceforth. It IS all purple right now, and soon will be green and yellow, too.

packrat said...


Dr. K once sprained her ankle so badly playing racquetball that she had to use crutches for several weeks. Her skin was every color of purple, green and yellow you can ever imagine.

Sunday's Altered Track

Three wise men have seen better days As soon as Dr. K, Willow and I began descending LDR-A arroyo this morning we spotted Two-White-Dogs-Lad...