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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Humid Day Hike

Becca spots a distant jogger
Dr. K, Becca and I took a semi-long hike in the humid weather this morning, starting from the Monte Vista parking area and walking almost two-thirds of the way around Tortugas Mountain.  We saw only one other person out there, a woman jogger who was listening to music while she ran.  Becca was very good about the encounter, standing just off the side of the trail until the woman had passed.  The conditions felt a little rough for us all, owing to the moisture-laden air and lack of consistent breeze.  We got our exercise in, though.
Clouds building above the Organ Mountains

Behind Tortugas

Ocotillo, Yuccas and mountains

The foothills behind Tortoise Mountain

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's nice that the desert is greener because of the rain.

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