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Sunday, July 28, 2013


Desert Cottontail with part of its left ear missing
Becca and I did an early-morning hike in the lower Chihuahuan Desert before returning home to collect Dr. K for a trip up into the Sacramento Mountains.  There's been a lot of rain here in the past month, as evidenced by the amount of grass I have to WeedEat in our yard.  The nice thing, of course, is that everything is verdant here.  I'd say chances are good for more precip this afternoon.  The clouds have that look to them, and the air has that feel.  Can't say I'd be heartbroken to see a shower.
Whole-earred cottontail

Jogger's coming down the mountain

High Rolls/Mountain Park, New Mexico

Storm clouds building over the Sacramento Mountains

Railroad tie guardrail in our driveway

A little Chinese Elm I've been protecting from browsing deer

A look up Haynes Canyon


Dr. K said...

Adorable cottontails.

Scott said...

Nice profile image of Becca. Looks like you could get rain at High Rolls, too.

packrat said...

There's been quite a bit of rain up here during the month of July, Scott. We got some more last night, as did Cloudcroft. Everything is incredibly green up there. There's a small community of Mennonites living nearby, and their huge gardens are incredibly lush. We'll be buying some of their fresh produce soon. When I last talked to one of the young men selling produce he told me that they had moved here from eastern Pennsylvania.

Scott said...

Land prices in Lancaster County and adjacent counties (where many of the Mennonites live) are so high these days that Mennonites and the Amish are selling their land for development and moving--many to Kentucky, from what I understand. I guess your Mennonite got wanderlust and just kept going. It's really a shame that this is happening because the land farmed in Lancaster County and the adjacent areas is some of the most fertile, rich, and well-watered farmland in the country. Hey...let's bury it under tract houses!

packrat said...

Interesting comment about land prices in Lancaster County, Scott. This small Mennonite community has several tracts of land along Highway 82, and their fields of vegetables are incredibly well-tended. They sure are industrious folk.


Guess who Both Dr. K and I were overdressed when we started off on the morning hike.  The weather has been unusually hot of late, but things...