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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Long Rim Trek

We did a long hike on the Rim Trail this morning, and the only people we saw were three mountain bikers on the Karr Canyon Road.  We took the Karr Canyon Road back to High Rolls, from the intersection of the Sunspot Highway to the intersection of Route 82, just below Haynes Canyon Road.  Even though the distance is only 9.1 miles, it took us almost forty minutes to drop out of the extra high country down to about 6800 feet because most of the road is rutted dirt.  Nevertheless, it's a beautiful way to get back to the cabin.

I've never seen an Aspen bifurcate so early

Karr Canyon Road, which we took back to High Rolls

It almost seems as if somebody placed these branches here to border the trail


Scott said...

Is that a lake in the background of the second-last image, Packrat? You have beautiful country to explore!

Kali and I are in Ft. Collins, checking on "our" mountain house. Everything seems to be fine except for spider webs. However, Kali stepped off a high curb badly after dinner last night and hurt her right ankle and left knee; I was sure they were broken, but appear to be just badly twisted and bruised. Nevertheless, high-country hiking is out, and low country hiking near the city is exposed and very hot.

Dr. K said...

I hope Kali's ankle and knee mend quickly.


Beautiful country! Thanks for sharing.

packrat said...

So sorry to hear of Kali's accident, Scott. Hope she heals quickly.

No, not a lake in that image, but there are lakes in the Sacramento Mountains. One of the most beautiful is where the Mescalero Apache tribe built their resort/casino Inn of the Mountain Gods.

packrat said...


I'm always pleased to know you're following my blog.


Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...