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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Return of the Flies

Heading west away from Tortugas Mountain
Since it's been a little cooler the flies seem to have rallied back for a repeat performance of last spring's assault; I'm praying this isn't the case.  They were certainly bugging Becca and me this morning.  That wasn't the only thing bugging me, though, as I kept thinking about the absurdist dystopian novel I've been working on (and off) for the past few years.  Wish I could compartmentalize a little better, or learn how to multitask--hiking, enjoying nature and doing creative mental work at the same time.
Looking toward Las Cruces, New Mexico

The road that strikes directly west from Tortugas

The NMSU football stadium in the distance over Becca

Where the road loops south before heading east

We've just come up this road from the south loop

Same road looking toward Tortugas

Ocotillo shade!

Workers in three white trucks heading for the mountaintop

Beginning the steep ascent

Navigating the first big bend

I've never seen this:  dead Devil's Head disintegrates beneath its thorny cage

Plume Coldenia (Tiquilia greggii) [thanks, Jimmy]


Dr. K said...

To me, a desert rat, the desert looks remarkably green. I'm sure to others it just looks brown.

Scott said...

Packrat: I think it's impossible to completely compartmentalize. Kali's broken foot and my need to arrange my schedule--my life--around her needs is like a tape loop running incessantly in the back of my brain.

The dead Devil's Head looks like a grisly prop from a Star Wars (or some other sci-fi) movie.

packrat said...

Scott: I guess some of us are just more prone to "futuring" than others.


Hike Sans Wind

The long view Today was a 180 from yesterday morning; there was no wind, which made a world of difference.  Although a bit chilly at the sta...