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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Clouds From Both Sides

New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum (left center)
Three major annoyances this morning:  high humidity with little wind, a jackass on a dirt bike making a racket, and pesky flies.  The wind picked up a bit, cooling things down.  The jackass on the dirt bike went away.  But the flies persisted all during the hike.  We did run into Jimmy, who was headed up the mountain road, and he and I talked for about fifteen minutes while Becca tried to catch flies.  She caught a few of the bitter buggers today.
Centennial High School and the  Doña Ana Mountains

New from the old

Becca is riveted on something I never saw

Flying saucer clouds
Mountain biker making a hard push up into the foothills

Becca sees the biker

One of three Roadrunners running together

Body of rock?
No, just down one level

Heading behind Tortugas

Somebody has marked a rugged trail with orange plastic ribbons

Don't know I've ever seen a one-wand Ocotillo before
Clouds entangled in the Organ Peaks

Swirling in a light wind

More of same

A woman (center) hiking down the mountain road

Pair of White-winged Doves
Cactus Wren in the seismology shack antenna

Closeup of a pretty bird (the same Cactus Wren)


Scott said...

The images of the rugged Organs enshrouded in clouds makes them look like ragged peaks in the Andes; well done!

The "pretty bird" in the lat image looks like some kind of woodpecker. Any ideas?

Dr. K said...

You need to attach a fly swatter to Becca's tail.

packrat said...

It's the same Cactus Wren, Scott; I should have made that clearer, which I did subsequent to your comment.

packrat said...

If I attached a fly swatter to Becca's tail, Dr. K, she'd be swatting herself in the face with it.



Mystical mountains with clouds.

packrat said...

They do seem rather mystical, Jacqui.

Saturday with Wils

Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...