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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday's Trek

Old experimental towers near Tortugas Mountain
The Beckster and I did a moderately-long hike this morning, and we saw absolutely nobody else; but we did hear people screaming on the mountain.  That's always a pleasurable phenomenon.  Jimmy was pulling into the Sunset Area just as we were leaving, and he and I stood and talked for a few minutes while Becca tried to catch flies.  Becca is always extremely happy to see Jimmy, spinning around in her best "crazy dog" behavior while he tries to keep her calm.
About to enter a swale

Tiquilia gregii (Plumed Crinklemat) is about to bloom again

Plato's analogy of the hiker and his dog

The Crosscut Trail crosses an arroyo (center, left to right)

The Tortoise looks curvy this morning

Beside me at one moment

Forging ahead in the next moment

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the red veins in the crinklemat flower.

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