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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Monte Vista Redux

Crossing through the big eastern arroyo
Dr. K, Becca and I did an extra-long hike out of the east side of Tortugas Mountain this morning.  On the west side it seemed as if the weekend running event was still in full swing.  As soon as we hit the loop trail we had to step out of the way to let six runners pass heading the same direction we were:  clockwise around the mountain.  All the runners were on the trail closest to the mountain's base so we were able to avoid them without problem.  Our only problem, really, was dealing with the heat; we're headed for 85 F today.
On a road behind the mountain

The Organ Mountains on the eastern horizon

Becca and Packrat on the outer loop road

On the way back behind Tortugas

Waiting in the deep valley ahead

Through the flaxen-colored grass behind the Tortoise

Sandy break time just short of the car

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The desert has already browned: time for cold weather.

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