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Monday, October 27, 2014

Oddly-Humid Morn

Long-distance shot of a Cooper's Hawk
The meteorologist on the morning show talked about high winds for this afternoon, but she never said anything about humidity.  Nevertheless, there was that "significant-moisture-in-the-air" feel when Becca and I did our long trek near Tortugas Mountain.   I had to take off my jacket after hiking less than a quarter mile.  Wish I could have captured a better image of that Cooper's Hawk, but it flew away the first time Becca and I tried to sneak up on it. 
NMSU experimental towers

Fruit of the Pencil Cholla (choy-ya)

Curve-billed Thrasher

Just getting started into the foothills

Fire in the desert

Down from the foothills

Way ahead of the Packrat

Mr. Pinacate

Unpleasant side effect of equestrians using the trail

Loggerhead Shrike

Stingleaf plant ready to reproduce

Desert dog

Tortugas (left) and the Organ Mountains

10"-high Barrel Cactus

This Yucca is about 6' tall
Three Roadrunners were hunting near the trail


Scott said...

We have a Cooper's Hawk that continuously harasses the birds at our feeders here. Occasionally, it's successful at capturing one--which explains the continuous harassment.

Dr. K said...

Neat photos of those roadrunners hunting.

packrat said...

Obviously that's the kind of harassment that pays off, Scott.


packrat said...

I love those darned Roadrunners, Dr. K. I think they're the same ones we keep seeing in that area; they don't seem overly concerned about Becca and me.

Saturday with Wils

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