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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Evidence of a Storm

Two weeks ago:  four-foot swaths of tall grass growing alongside the creek
When Dr. K, Becca and I started off on the Bridal Veil Falls Trail this morning we quickly noticed evidence of a big storm.  The normally tall grass growing alongside the creek had been absolutely flattened by a wide wall of water flowing down and under the footbridge.  We were surprised that no damage had been done to the pillars supporting the bridge, a testimony to how well the New Mexico Rails-to-Trails workers had constructed it.  After a hike of over two hours we returned to our place and worked for more than an hour in the yard; I used the Weed Eater while Dr. K manned the cord.  Two hours afterwards and my arms are still  shaking from the labor.

A torrent of water obviously ran through a normally small creek

More than pleasant conditions today

43 degrees Fahrenheit at the start of our hike

Puffy white balls

An idea of how high the grass has grown alongside the trail

The way to Bridal Veil Falls

Sacramento Mountains Prickly Poppy

The flower almost looks as if it were made of delicate paper

Sotols (aka "Desert Spoons") growing alongside the trail

Cottonwoods growing near the creek bed

Talk about a set of stamens

This grass was four feet tall

Three sisters (Sacramento Mountains Prickly Poppies)

At first I thought this was Winterfat, but now I'm not so sure

Becca taking a shade break on a slope

At the bottom of a high hill

A bush of Daisies over four feet tall

These flowers had the unmistakable scent of chocolate


Dr. K said...

It's pretty amazing that the chocolate flowers actually smell like chocolate. Made me hungry.

Scott said...

I don't see any insects on the image of the chocolate daisies, so I guess insects don't like chocolate!

Good images of the grass flattened by the torrential storm.

packrat said...

Thanks, Scott. But surely some insects like chocolate.


Saturday with Wils

Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...