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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Lonely Hike

Dove eggs in a nest on the ground
At 7:30 this morning I had to drop Becca off at the vet to have a small lump surgically removed from her chest, so my trek this morning was a lonely one.  When I ran into Jimmy, he said, "Where's my girlfriend?"  He and I chatted for about twenty minutes.  When I got home later there was a message from the vet saying the procedure had gone well and Becca was good to go.  They sent the lump off for testing, but we won't hear anything for quite a few days.  Becca will be out of hiking commission for about a week because the doc doesn't want her to tear open her sutures.   Becca won't be a happy camper.
Arroyo west of Tortugas

Further west of the mountain

Closing back in again

Desert Chicory

The high trail

Blackfoot Daisy


Dr. K said...

So strange to not see Becca on your hikes. I missed her in these photos.

packrat said...

I know what you mean, Dr. K. Habit is such a crazy thing.


There's something not quite right about walking without a dog. Hope she's 100% fine! (I'm sure she'll go bonkers having to stay at home.)

packrat said...

Thanks, Jacqui. Yes, Becca is going bonkers already, but we'll just have to soldier on for a while longer.


Rim Trail Trek

Just starting off on Rim Trail 105 this morning We decided to drive to Sunspot and hike the Rim Trail which starts near the Apache Point tur...