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Friday, April 10, 2015

Springtime at the Hacienda

Range Ratany blooming along the trail
I did a moderately-long hike west of Tortugas Mountain this morning then came back to take Becca for a short jaunt up the arroyo next to our house.  There was a guy with his dog near the street when we got started, and Becca was elated to see another canine.  I made sure we had no encounter, though, because I didn't want the Beckster to get too excited.  This afternoon I'll take her for a short ride, so she'll feel she's getting back into the swing.  Next week we have to have the sutures removed from her incision.
Ocotillo buds

Surprised to find a young Ocotillo all leafed out

Dune Evening Primrose

Honeybee sampling a Yucca flower

Yucca flowers and friend

Torrey Yucca

5-gallon water bottles cache (Property of U.S. Government)

Stenciled "NMSU" (New Mexico State University) on the edge

The water cache was near the top of this road


Desert Willow greening out at the side of the hacienda

Another walk for Becca up the large arroyo beside our casa

The hacienda from the road

Carpenter Bee on Creosote flowers in our front yard

Morning shade

Creosote Bushes beginning to flower

The neighbor one street up has a small observatory

At home in the Chihuahuan Desert

Claret Cup Cactus in our side yard (Caroline gave it to us)


Dr. K said...

I'm so happy that so many flowers are blooming. Beautiful photos, Packrat.

packrat said...

Thanks, Dr. K!

Wednesday's Walkabout

Tortugas and the Organs It wasn't as cold as it was yesterday morning, but it felt pretty chilly when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily ...