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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Provision-Day Trek

Mormon Tea flowers
When Becca and I got out to the trailhead this morning there were no cars in the Sunset Area parking lot, perhaps because we were 20 to 25 minutes earlier than usual.  We also saw nobody on any of the trails.  When we got back to the road leading to the mountaintop we did see a runner who was training in an outfit reminiscent of Sylvester Stallone's in the movie "Rocky."  There were quite a few vehicles in the parking lot when we got back, including, I think, Jimmy's Toyota truck.
Mormon Tea (Ephedra) flower

About to slalom up the trail

This and the following image are Strawberry Pitaya flowers

Large Strawberry Pitaya Cactus

Sniffing along the trail

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Very nice to see new flowers on your post, in this case the Mormon tea flowers.

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