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Monday, April 27, 2015

Still the Chill

Prickly Pear blossoms
40 F when Becca and I set off for Tortugas Mountain early this morning.  Got to wear my brand-new ExOfficio pants to ward off the chill.  The wind was just at the boundary of breezy, but nothing compared to yesterday's all-day/nearly all-night blast of cold air.  Becca's favorite part of our hike today?--running into both Jimmy and Gregg down near the old shack at the intersection of the trail and the road to the top of the mountain.  When we parted company Jimmy was heading up the steep western trail to the summit and Gregg was taking the road to the mountaintop.

Strawberry Pitaya cactus flowers starting to bloom

Strawberry Pitaya flower

Into a gulch

Down to the lower desert

Scott's Oriole

Looking back at Tortugas and the Organs

Power lines across the valley

Yucca fruit

Colorful cactus flowers

Different hues on the same plant

Resting . . .

but still watchful

Sandy section of desert

Leafless Ocotillo

Can't get enough of these Prickly Pear flowers

Of stamens and pistils



Dr. K said...

How did you manage to spot that cottontail? It blends in so well with the setting.

packrat said...

Always-alert Becca spotted it first, Dr. K; you should know that.


Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...