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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Strawberry Pitaya Popping

Wilson's Warbler in our Mesquite Tree
Last November when our friend JC bumped into Becca and me at the far southern end of the high foothills trail he wondered aloud about what the area would look like when springtime rolled around.  Well, I've taken photos of the specific area just to satisfy his curiosity.  I'll make sure he sees this post by sending an email with a link to it.  (By the way, that tiny Warbler in the first image was almost impossible to photograph because of its flighty movements.)
Setting out from the Sunset Area

Prickly Pear Cactus flowers

Becca's photo snapped by Mickey Mouse
For better reception . . .

Adjust rabbit ears

Strawberry Pitaya Hedgehog Cactus

Strawberry Pitaya

Cooper's Hawk
Same hawk, different perspective

Through a deep arroyo

Ocotillos leafing out


Becca's favorite Ocotillo

Prickly Pear

This and the following:  Strawberry Pitaya flowers


Dr. K said...

Beautiful flowers. I love the light shining through the rabbit's ear.

Scott said...

Some nice images today, Packrat. I like Becca sequestered under the ocotillos, and I really like the image of her in the "shade" of her favorite ocotillo. Cactus flowers ain't bad, either.

packrat said...

I like the expression of that jackrabbit's face, Dr. K.


packrat said...

Thank you, Scott. It's getting quite colorful around here.

Nest Building

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