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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Lightning Show

Why the Rainbow Hedgehog has "rainbow" attached to its name
Last night, beginning about 10:30 there was an incredible storm:  lots of X-ray lightning, rumbling thunder, but very little rain.  For the first time in a long time Becca was anxious about the weather, coming into our bedroom to wake me to make sure everything was okay.  She was panting and pacing, and I actually had to sit up with her awhile before she calmed down.  It took the storm about an hour to clear out.  Very annoying.  I've decided to file a complaint against Zeus about his untoward behavior.  (An amusing aside about today's images.  When I took that last photo of a spring--which at first I believed to be a millipede--my advanced new camera warned me it had "detected a blink."  I'll be darned:  a blinking spring.)
Becca and Dr. K on the trail behind the mountain

Near the rock shelter

Through a deep chasm

Shadow of the rock shelter

Flower of the Creosote Bush


Spiritual Prickly Pear pad

When I first saw this I thought it was a millipede


Dr. K said...

Do you mean a "holy" prickly pear pad?

Scott said...

Given the way you feel about your new camera, I suspect that the word "blinking" is a euphemism for the camera: "Blinking" camera!

What the heck does "Detected a blink" even mean?

Rim Trail Trek

Just starting off on Rim Trail 105 this morning We decided to drive to Sunspot and hike the Rim Trail which starts near the Apache Point tur...