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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Chihuahuan Desert Snow

What we woke up to this morning
On our return from the Sonoran Desert yesterday the snow storm we encountered kept getting worse and worse as we approached our home.  Then it snowed the rest of the day and through the night, resulting in a snowfall of between six and eight inches.  And it's still snowing now (10:15 am).  The snowy/icy conditions prevented Becca and I from going on our morning trek, so I took her up and down the arroyo that runs alongside our property.  For me it was very hard hiking, but Becca bounded through the white stuff like a sled dog freed from its harness.
Mesquite tree in our backyard

6" to 8" accumulation on our front trellis

Icicles on the patio enclosure roof

Snow-covered RAV4

Snow-covered residence

Snow-covered property

Not my doing

The culprit

The culprit having fun in the arroyo beside our house

The culprit seeking critters

Snow-covered side yard

Looking east up the arroyo toward snow-covered Tortugas Mountain

Our fence

Going nowhere

Crated culprit

Snow-covered Cholla

Closer look

Prickly Pear Cactus under snow

Blind Prickly Pear Cactus with snow


Dr. K said...

It's always so interesting to see cacti covered in snow. Beautiful photos, Packrat.

packrat said...

Thanks, Dr. K. :)

Scott said...

Wow! You've gotten a LOT more snow than we have in the Mid-Atlantic--since we've gotten NONE so far this year (thank goodness)! I kept looking at the national weather maps and imagining it snowing in the desert--and now I see what that looks like. (By the way, writer: watch that "Becca and I" construction :-) )

packrat said...

How about taking your grammar observations elsewhere, Scott.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...