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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Coyote Redux?

The same large arroyo we explored yesterday
Nope.  Becca and I retraced our steps from yesterday in hopes of encountering the Coyote we saw (and photographed), but no such luck.  Nevertheless, we enjoyed the bushwhacking in the outback very much--even more than yesterday's trek because it felt warmer outside:  22 F vs 18 F.  And the wind wasn't blowing.  In one section of the outback (where I photographed the plate-size Prickly Pear pad) we discovered four or five deep holes which made me wonder if Javelinas had been digging in the area.  I read an article recently that said Javelina numbers in New Mexico are increasing because of warmer winters; the animals are moving further to the north.  There are already approximately 200 individuals at the Bosque del Apache preserve near Socorro.
Finding a Coyote here is like finding a needle in a haystack

No Coyotes in here

One of the larger Mesquite Trees (right) in the desert

Bushwhacking toward the mountains

Six-foot-tall Yucca

Plate-size Prickly Pear pad

Eight-foot-tall twins

Prickly Pear Cactus

18" X 12" (deep) hole (who's grubbing for food?)

Stand of Soaptree Yuccas

Becca greets Olivia and JC

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I bet there's a good chance those holes were dug by javelina.

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