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Monday, May 23, 2016

A Few Hours on the Rim Trail

Just getting started on the Rim Trail section #4
We got an early start this morning, drove up to Cloudcroft to dump a few days' worth of garbage, then headed down the Sunspot Highway to Section #4 of the Rim Trail (T105).  We proceeded to hike along the western escarpment of the Sacramento Mountains on a narrow track that was in shadow much of the way.  Dr. K and Becca were dressed appropriately for the cool weather, but I wore shorts and a short-sleeve shirt.  I only felt chilly when the wind blew.  After a long, satisfying hike we headed back to the Family Dollar store in Cloudcroft to stock up on some supplies:  pancake mix, apple juice, bottled water, in-shell salted-and-roasted peanuts (87 cents for an 8-ounce bag), and AA and AAA batteries.  Then we drove over to Burro Street and stopped at the Western Bar package store to buy some Bud Light to slake our mighty thirsts (Dr. K and me, that is.  Becca stopped drinking beer years ago.)
Following a narrow single-track

Three happy hikers in the high country

Forging ahead with reservations (this is bear country, after all)

Mile Post 7 (pant pant)

High-altitude hiking

We're going that-a-way

Many scents worth sniffing

Oh to have the climbing derring-do of a squirrel


White Sands from the Rim Trail

Most Aspens have leafed out by now

In a forest of old-growth Aspens

Into a narrow gorge

On our way back

Dense stand of young Aspen

Wild Strawberry?

Becca and Dr. K

Old trail marker

View of the Tularosa Basin from 9,000 feet

Becca loves high-country hikes

Satisfied trekker

It was very cool high up this morning

Coming back to retrieve two pokey humans

Red Columbine

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

This hike is always a good workout because the trail is seldom level. Becca, however, never gets winded.

Not a Frigid Friday

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